- ⚠本書面はあくまでもサンプルです⚠
- [削除請求URL]と[/URL]の間に、削除対象であるサイトURL、動画・画像URLなどをコピー&ペーストしてください。
- 関連して、2022年6月にAV出演被害防止・救済法が施行されました
- 気になる方は 内閣府「AV出演被害問題について」のページをご確認ください
- 差し止め請求や任意解除、出演契約の取り消しをする際の通知文は「各種様式」に書いてあります
- 「よくわからない」「どうすればいいかわからない」ときは コチラ から問い合わせてください
I am the person whose image(s) was taken below, and I have not given my consent for the publication of the work. Therefore, the product(s) has been suspended and removed from sale. I am currently suffering psychological damage and social disadvantage due to the display of the image of the suspended video(s) and its name on your website, and it is interfering with my life.
I have a moral interests in the right of portrait, which is the right not to have my portrait produced or published without my permission.
I respectfully request that you promptly remove the page(s) and the image file(s) accompanying the work from your site.
For the image(s):
If the image(s) of the work remain on the server after the deletion of the page(s), they will be appeared in the results of search engines such as Google, Bing and so on so please remove them as well.